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ArewaCotton has began the process of modernizing its ginning section by investing in state of art equipment and machinery. The aim is to boost not only our processing capacity but also the quality of our processed cotton, which is best served using modern equipment and machinery. We have commenced this with the purchase of a brand new state of the art Saw Ginning Plant for our new station in Ajaokuta, Kogi State, while retooling and modernizing our main station in Wawa, Niger State. We also intend to reactivate our Ginning Station in Guyuk, Adamawa State. In addition, we are pursuing plans to install a Roller Ginning Plant which is best suited to the processing of Long Staple cotton, to support our Southwest operations. We are building our technical team’s competencies and employing seasoned ginners as it is not just enough to have state of the art equipment and machinery but it is a constant balancing act between man and machine to get the best results. We feed our gins using a combination of our own trucks and hired trucks. The cotton first goes through dryers (Southwest cotton) to reduce moisture content and then through cleaning equipment to remove foreign matters. These operations facilitate processing and improve fiber quality. The cotton is then transferred into stands where our revolving Saw/Roller Gin stands pull the lint through closely spaced ribs separating them from the seeds. The lint is then removed, compressed into bales weighing approximately 220-227kgs. The cotton is then moved to our warehouses for storage until we are ready to ship to our clients.