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Arewa Cotton is dedicated to the growth of Commercial Cotton Farming in Nigeria primarily through mechanisation and the adoption of best agricultural practices that will give rise to professional Farmers, Ginners and Traders in the industry. We are focused on bringing the highest level of quality throughout the value chain of our operations. from sourcing the highest quality seeds, to farming, processing and offering customer services that meet International standards.
We are committed to farmers & clients success, throughout the globe
ArewaCotton is dedicated to the growth of Commercial Cotton Farming in Nigeria primarily through mechanisation and the adoption of agricultural best practices that will give rise to professional farmers, ginners and traders in the industry.
ArewaCotton has its own farms and that of its outgrowers in the North Central and Southwest Regions of Nigeria, where the weather and soil types are very much suitable for cotton growing
ArewaCotton has began the process of modernizing its ginning section by investing in state of art equipment and machinery. The aim is to boost not only our processing capacity but also the quality of our processed cotton
ArewaCotton is a reputed company that has integrated backwards to cotton farming and forward in trading in and outside Nigeria.
To provide world class Agro-Allied Products and Services delivered by highly motivated people and supported by cutting edge technology.
To be the globally desired Nigerian Cotton and Allied Products and Service company
Cotton Lint is a mass of cotton fibers after the ginning process of separating fibre from the seeds and other plant materials
The process of separating the seeds, seed hulls and other small objects from the fibers of cotton.
33 States support the growing of cotton. Nigeria is known for its vast agricultural fertile soil which supports various growth of cash crops and one of them to mention among the numerous but this which is cotton. The geography of the South-West and North central supports the growth of the best cotton ever produced in Nigeria
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